You’ve probably all heard about portion control as a primary facet of smart nutrition. Perhaps like many you have complained that portion control, rather than the quality of the food you are eating, is your primary challenge on the nutrition front. For years trainers at gyms have implemented strategies for enforcing portion control without having to constantly depend on stellar self discipline in the face of large quantities of food. This photo shows one of the easiest and most effective tools you can use to implement a system of portion control each day. Pictured are Tupperware containers of 4oz, 8oz, and 9.5oz sizes. They are the perfect size for implementing an eating strategy of small meals and snacks throughout the day… rather than a pattern of starving yourself and then eating anything that’s not bolted to the floor! Also notice that there are a lot of each size container so that there is never an excuse that there are not enough containers or that some of them are dirty. For the purists in the group, there are glass containers out there that you can find for your meals and snacks!
Anyone in the group have other good suggestions for controlling portions that don’t require an iron will at all times?